Friday, December 09, 2005

Anything Good in the Dear Old Army?

I'm not sure if anyone is reading this blog, so perhaps this is just a rant for my own benefit, but here it goes..

You don't have to go far to find someone who will tell you what's wrong with my church. In no particular order - we sell out for $/good PR; we wear funny uniforms, too often for the wrong reasons; we leave churches open that "should" be closed; we think too highly of our works; our leadership model is unwieldy at best, un-Biblical at worst; our local pastors move too often. I could go on...and on...and on.

I have some good news, though - there may actually be some good happening. People are getting saved. People who think all they need is a food basket are learning that there may be more to life. People (young & old) are finding loving, compassionate, welcoming souls wearing those uniforms, as intimidating as they might be. I know some of the men & women leading our movement and am convinced of their integrity, their whole-hearted commitment to the Lord God, and their unswerving devotion to the Church - not just our denomination, but the church universal.

I like honest, open-minded discussion. It's also important for me to temper that with the occasional reminder that, God helping us, there is more right than wrong with our movement.


At 11:07 AM, Blogger Larry said...

The mission is right...The message is right....Even many methods are right...I am encouraged by much...I am also someone who sees that anything that stays stagnant or does not remember its roots can run the danger of being caught in its traditionalism...not just its tradition.

There is much good going on in the Army. But maybe we could do better on some things? I think we all need to listen to the voice of the dissenters occassionally. We may have much to learn from them. Or by engaging them we may grow stronger.

They are loyal and love the Army, the movement, not just the institution. Most of all, I think they love God. They are on the team. They may just see things a bit differently.. By the way, take a read of the new George Barna book "Revolution." It may help form your discussion a bit more.

At 12:19 PM, Blogger bedemike said...

I don't disagree with you, Larry. My comments I suppose were more for my own benefit. I would have a tendency to slip easily into cynicism were I not to temper my criticism (accurate though it may be) with positive focus from time to time.

Trdition vs. traditionalism is the touchstone debate within our movement, isn't it? Seems it is at or near the surface of every discussion. God help us stay true and new.

At 8:00 PM, Blogger BrownEyedGirl said...

Hi Brett! I saw you on Fearless blog. Hope all is well on your end. We miss you in the division.
I bet the kids are getting big.
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